Do Rehab Aftercare Programs Actually Work?

Completing an addiction treatment program is a huge accomplishment. However, your work isn’t done if you want to stay sober. If you have tried addiction treatment in the past or know someone who has and has relapsed, you understand how challenging it can be to refrain from using substances permanently. Sometimes, all it takes is smelling alcohol or having a stressful day at work to set you back. As a result, rehab aftercare programs were designed to help you stay on your recovery path. But do they work?

At Bayview Recovery, we understand the frustration of relapsing after all of your hard work to get sober. Our relapse prevention programs provide the ongoing support you need to stick to your recovery plan. Reach out to us today at 855.478.3650 to learn more about maintaining recovery with an addiction alumni program.

What is Aftercare for Addiction Recovery?

Addiction treatment programs range from highly structured inpatient treatment to flexible outpatient programs. Once you complete outpatient treatment, your next step is enrolling in an addiction alumni program. Aftercare for addiction recovery usually includes:

  • Continued support for approximately one year
  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Medication management
  • Referrals to recovery support groups

While some people may have a strong support system at home or in their social circle, others may not be so lucky. The long-term support of an addiction aftercare program can make a difference in their recovery success.

Are Addiction Alumni Programs Effective?

If you have ever gone through rehab and relapsed, you may be skeptical about the benefits of aftercare programs. Some people believe that all sobriety takes is willpower. While a solid commitment to staying sober is crucial, it takes a lot more to maintain recovery long-term. To stay on track for recovery, you need to:

  • Truly want to live a sober lifestyle
  • Be willing to make the changes necessary to avoid or eliminate temptation
  • Fully participate in therapy sessions openly and honestly
  • Take medications as prescribed
  • Adopt healthy lifestyle habits
  • Attend support group meetings regularly

Addiction alumni programs are effective because they help you follow through on the above action steps for a healthy recovery.

What Are the Benefits of Aftercare Programs?

If you still are unsure if aftercare for addiction recovery is right for you, take a look at the following benefits of these long-term recovery support programs:

  • Accountability – Knowing that you have others relying on you and checking in regularly can help keep you motivated. Sometimes, just the mere thought of letting others down is enough to encourage you to make the best decisions for your health and well-being.
  • Relapse prevention – If you ever feel like you may succumb to substance use, you can always reach out to your treatment team for immediate assistance. Catching these moments of weakness before they develop into a full-blown relapse can make it easier to stick with your program. Overcoming temptation also gives you a sense of accomplishment that will drive you to keep moving forward in your recovery.
  • Medication monitoring – Whether you take medication as part of a medication-assisted treatment program (MAT) or treat mental health conditions, having frequent access to a medical professional can ensure your dosage is right for you.

Addiction recovery programs are just another step in the recovery process that helps to strengthen your resilience to relapse. Those who take advantage of this continued support see greater long-term success.

Bayview Recovery: Quality Aftercare for Addiction Recovery

Bayview Recovery strives to provide our clients with all the resources they need to enjoy a well-deserved sober lifestyle. Overcoming addiction can be your reality when you commit to a rehab aftercare program. Reach out to us at 855.478.3650 to find out how our relapse prevention program can support your ongoing recovery efforts.

Do Rehab Aftercare Programs Actually Work?

Completing an addiction treatment program is a huge accomplishment. However, your work isn't done if you want to stay sober. If you have tried addiction treatment in the past or know someone who has and has relapsed, you understand how challenging it can be to refrain from using substances permanently. Sometimes, all it takes is smelling alcohol or having a stressful day at work to set you back. As a result, rehab aftercare programs were designed to help you stay on your recovery path. But do they work?

At Bayview Recovery, we understand the frustration of relapsing after all of your hard work to get sober. Our relapse prevention programs provide the ongoing support you need to stick to your recovery plan. Reach out to us today at 855.478.3650 to learn more about maintaining recovery with an addiction alumni program.

What is Aftercare for Addiction Recovery?

Addiction treatment programs range from highly structured inpatient treatment to flexible outpatient programs. Once you complete outpatient treatment, your next step is enrolling in an addiction alumni program. Aftercare for addiction recovery usually includes:

  • Continued support for approximately one year
  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Medication management
  • Referrals to recovery support groups

While some people may have a strong support system at home or in their social circle, others may not be so lucky. The long-term support of an addiction aftercare program can make a difference in their recovery success.

Are Addiction Alumni Programs Effective?

If you have ever gone through rehab and relapsed, you may be skeptical about the benefits of aftercare programs. Some people believe that all sobriety takes is willpower. While a solid commitment to staying sober is crucial, it takes a lot more to maintain recovery long-term. To stay on track for recovery, you need to:

  • Truly want to live a sober lifestyle
  • Be willing to make the changes necessary to avoid or eliminate temptation
  • Fully participate in therapy sessions openly and honestly
  • Take medications as prescribed
  • Adopt healthy lifestyle habits
  • Attend support group meetings regularly

Addiction alumni programs are effective because they help you follow through on the above action steps for a healthy recovery.

What Are the Benefits of Aftercare Programs?

If you still are unsure if aftercare for addiction recovery is right for you, take a look at the following benefits of these long-term recovery support programs:

  • Accountability – Knowing that you have others relying on you and checking in regularly can help keep you motivated. Sometimes, just the mere thought of letting others down is enough to encourage you to make the best decisions for your health and well-being.
  • Relapse prevention – If you ever feel like you may succumb to substance use, you can always reach out to your treatment team for immediate assistance. Catching these moments of weakness before they develop into a full-blown relapse can make it easier to stick with your program. Overcoming temptation also gives you a sense of accomplishment that will drive you to keep moving forward in your recovery.
  • Medication monitoring – Whether you take medication as part of a medication-assisted treatment program (MAT) or treat mental health conditions, having frequent access to a medical professional can ensure your dosage is right for you.

Addiction recovery programs are just another step in the recovery process that helps to strengthen your resilience to relapse. Those who take advantage of this continued support see greater long-term success.

Bayview Recovery: Quality Aftercare for Addiction Recovery

Bayview Recovery strives to provide our clients with all the resources they need to enjoy a well-deserved sober lifestyle. Overcoming addiction can be your reality when you commit to a rehab aftercare program. Reach out to us at 855.478.3650 to find out how our relapse prevention program can support your ongoing recovery efforts.

Dave Cundiff, MD, MPHDr. Dave Cundiff, MD, MPH (Medical Reviewer)

Dave Cundiff, MD, MPH is an experienced leader in the field of Substance Use Disorder treatment. He works with patients suffering from Substance Use Disorder to evaluate their medication needs and prescribe treatments accordingly. In addition, he regularly participates in all-staff debriefing sessions involving peers, nurses, and other prescribers. He also reviews and advises on policies, procedures, and techniques for treating substance use disorder.

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