Synthetic opioids are strong pain relievers that are often prescribed by a physician for pain relief. Synthetic opioids are abused with an alarming frequency. Physicians typically prescribe opioids following surgery, or when prolonged chronic pain is an issue. Currently, health care professionals have begun closely monitoring their patient’s opioid use due to its highly addictive nature.
Oxycodone vs Hydrocodone
Opioids include Fentanyl and Oxymorphone as well as a variety of other synthetic opioids. There is a difference between naturally-derived opioids which are called opiates and opioids. Opioids are any substance – synthetic or natural that binds itself to the opioid receptors in the brain.
Is There Any Real Difference Between Oxycodone vs Hydrocodone?
Both oxycodone and hydrocodone are thought to be very powerful synthetic opioids. However, studies have shown that oxycodone is a more potent pain reliever when mixed with acetaminophen. When hydrocodone is mixed similarly, it is less potent.
How Do Synthetic Opioids Work?
Opioids work by attaching to proteins called opioid receptors. These opioid receptors are on the nerve cells in the brain, spinal cord and other parts of the body. Once the opioids have attached to the opioid receptors, the synthetic opioids block pain.
Some Dangers Of Opioid Use

Opioids are highly addictive drugs due to their very effective pain relief. Also, after a long period of time, the drug produces a reduced effect. You may feel like you need more to block pain. It is important to always be under a physician’s supervision when you’re taking these highly addictive substances. If you notice that you are starting to crave the drugs, speak with a professional about it immediately. If you notice the following other symptoms, speak with your healthcare provider:
- Shaking or tremors
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Insomnia
- Abdominal pain
- Anxiety
Synthetic opioid use can lead to heroin use. Heroin is an illicit and naturally-derived opioid. It comes from the poppy flower. If you find that you are craving the hydrocodone or oxycodone and your prescription is not alleviating your pain, you may have developed an addiction. Speak with your treatment provider about this as soon as possible. Please give us a call at Bayview Recovery Center. You can speak frankly about your opioid use and what your concerns are. Our trained professionals will be able to ascertain, with your help, if you have the need for concern.
How Do You Take Synthetic Opioids?
There are subtle differences in both substances. These differences are slight though some may have a higher sensitivity. The street value of oxycodone vs hydrocodone is extremely high. People are selling their unused medication for money
These drugs are typically ingested via pill, lozenge or as lollipops. You may receive your opioid medication intravenously in certain instances. You may also receive an opioid suppository or have a patch placed on your skin.
Bayview Recovery Center
We differentiate between opiate vs. opioid treatment. However, oxycodone vs hydrocodone is not separated in treatment groupings. We make the distinction between opiate treatment and opioid treatment due to the inherent differences. Heroin is an illegal substance and is never prescribed or given in a legal matter. Conversely, the other natural opiates, codeine, and morphine are prescribed. The factors leading to heroin abuse may be quite different from the factors leading to oxycodone or hydrocodone abuse. Because they are both opioids, countless numbers of people find themselves on the street seeking heroin to get the effects of their synthetic opioids. Opioid abuse starts with a legitimate prescription in some circumstances.

In addition to opioid and opiate treatment, Bayview Recovery Center also has comprehensive substance abuse treatment. No matter what substance you are having trouble with, we can help. Here is a shortlist of some other programming that we offer:
- Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)
- Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
- Outpatient Drug Rehab Center
- Extended Care Program
- Aftercare Program
We can help you beat this opioid addiction and watch you use your knowledge to educate and help others and yourself. Our intake staff is ready to take your call around the clock. Starting treatment as soon as you feel you have a problem gives you a better chance of surviving. Call today at 855.478.3650.