What is Purple Drank?

At house parties, they call it lean or purple drank. Many hip-hop songs keep referencing it. However, precisely what is purple drank? Is this opioid-based drug mixture addictive?

What is Purple Drank?

People combine enormous quantities of codeine-containing cough syrup with soda and candies, turning the drink purple. Candy helps kill the bad aftertaste.

Gradually, purple drank works its magic. You experience a typical opioid high. There’s the euphoria that gives way to the tiredness. You’re drifting in and out of consciousness.

How Dangerous is the Drug?

Of course, there’s no dosing. The concoction is never truly measured to determine the amount of codeine that goes in. Because you keep using it until you feel high, you might be overdosing slowly. However, you don’t notice it.

Instead, you notice yourself getting tired. That’s to be expected. Your skin turns clammy, and your breathing slows and gradually stops.

Unless someone’s with you who recognizes the warning signs, you’ll slip into a coma. When breathing fails, you die. Everyone around you thinks you passed out. It may be hours before they realize what really happened.

Treatment is a Necessity

This doesn’t have to describe the trajectory of your life. Cough syrup rehab in Tacoma, WA lets you deal with opioid addiction. It’s not easy. However, it’s possible to kick the habit and live.

Typical treatments include:

  • Medication-assisted therapy that takes the edge off cravings and post-acute withdrawal symptoms you might experience
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy as a tool for finding new ways of handling emotions, stress, and triggers
  • Group therapy that introduces you to social skills development and boundary setting
  • One-on-one talk therapy as a method for setting goals that enable lifelong sobriety
  • 12 Step recovery as a way to harness the power of group support

What is purple drank aftercare like? It has to take into account that addiction’s a chronic condition. There’s no cure. Instead, you’ll likely encounter sudden urges to use again.

Aftercare helps you deal with them. You’ve been practicing how to live sober at the rehab center. Sober living can provide you with a more hands-on approach. There’s some supervision, but you’ll have the opportunity to determine your own schedule.

As a result, you quickly identify whether there are some areas where you need more support. You might then enroll in an outpatient program at the rehab center to talk about it. Besides that, you’ll participate in support groups. These meetings provide the group encouragement you need to stay on track.

If you received a diagnosis of an underlying mental health condition such as depression or anxiety, you continue treatment. You most likely received a referral to a psychiatrist. This expert now oversees your care and may prescribe medications. It’s vital to keep these appointments.

Enroll in Care Today

This isn’t something you can fix on your own. Addiction’s a disease that requires professional intervention. It doesn’t have to take long. Frequently, a short 30 days is all it takes to overcome the habit.

What is purple drank but a dangerous drug on the opioid spectrum? If you don’t receive treatment, it quickly becomes a gateway drug to other opioids or heroin. Moreover, you’re at a high risk of overdosing on this drug. Therapists at Bayview Recovery want to help you heal; call 855.478.3650 now.

What is Purple Drank?

At house parties, they call it lean or purple drank. Many hip-hop songs keep referencing it. However, precisely what is purple drank? Is this opioid-based drug mixture addictive?

What is Purple Drank?

People combine enormous quantities of codeine-containing cough syrup with soda and candies, turning the drink purple. Candy helps kill the bad aftertaste.

Gradually, purple drank works its magic. You experience a typical opioid high. There’s the euphoria that gives way to the tiredness. You’re drifting in and out of consciousness.

How Dangerous is the Drug?

Of course, there’s no dosing. The concoction is never truly measured to determine the amount of codeine that goes in. Because you keep using it until you feel high, you might be overdosing slowly. However, you don’t notice it.

Instead, you notice yourself getting tired. That's to be expected. Your skin turns clammy, and your breathing slows and gradually stops.

Unless someone’s with you who recognizes the warning signs, you’ll slip into a coma. When breathing fails, you die. Everyone around you thinks you passed out. It may be hours before they realize what really happened.

Treatment is a Necessity

This doesn’t have to describe the trajectory of your life. Cough syrup rehab in Tacoma, WA lets you deal with opioid addiction. It’s not easy. However, it’s possible to kick the habit and live.

Typical treatments include:

  • Medication-assisted therapy that takes the edge off cravings and post-acute withdrawal symptoms you might experience
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy as a tool for finding new ways of handling emotions, stress, and triggers
  • Group therapy that introduces you to social skills development and boundary setting
  • One-on-one talk therapy as a method for setting goals that enable lifelong sobriety
  • 12 Step recovery as a way to harness the power of group support

What is purple drank aftercare like? It has to take into account that addiction’s a chronic condition. There’s no cure. Instead, you’ll likely encounter sudden urges to use again.

Aftercare helps you deal with them. You’ve been practicing how to live sober at the rehab center. Sober living can provide you with a more hands-on approach. There’s some supervision, but you’ll have the opportunity to determine your own schedule.

As a result, you quickly identify whether there are some areas where you need more support. You might then enroll in an outpatient program at the rehab center to talk about it. Besides that, you’ll participate in support groups. These meetings provide the group encouragement you need to stay on track.

If you received a diagnosis of an underlying mental health condition such as depression or anxiety, you continue treatment. You most likely received a referral to a psychiatrist. This expert now oversees your care and may prescribe medications. It’s vital to keep these appointments.

Enroll in Care Today

This isn’t something you can fix on your own. Addiction’s a disease that requires professional intervention. It doesn’t have to take long. Frequently, a short 30 days is all it takes to overcome the habit.

What is purple drank but a dangerous drug on the opioid spectrum? If you don’t receive treatment, it quickly becomes a gateway drug to other opioids or heroin. Moreover, you’re at a high risk of overdosing on this drug. Therapists at Bayview Recovery want to help you heal; call 855.478.3650 now.

Dave Cundiff, MD, MPHDr. Dave Cundiff, MD, MPH (Medical Reviewer)

Dave Cundiff, MD, MPH is an experienced leader in the field of Substance Use Disorder treatment. He works with patients suffering from Substance Use Disorder to evaluate their medication needs and prescribe treatments accordingly. In addition, he regularly participates in all-staff debriefing sessions involving peers, nurses, and other prescribers. He also reviews and advises on policies, procedures, and techniques for treating substance use disorder.

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